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Don't fly Jetstar.

I just got wireless internet working from the guest-house. So this will be the first pantsless travel-blog. Don't worry, I won't be posting any photographic evidence of the pantsless nature of this entry, you'll just have to trust me.

I think I may have suffered permanent bowel damage thanks to the flight from Darwin to Saigon. Somehow all of the toilets on the plane filled up and we were informed that they were out of service. I spent about 90 minutes in the air about to explode, and then when we landed we sat on the tarmac waiting for a parking spot for about twenty minutes. Also, Vietnamese people don't know how to exit a plane efficiently. I don't often get the urge to push elderly people to the ground, but I can tell you I was considering it as we waited to exit.

Thinking back on it, it might have been better for us if the plane landed in a lake. In which case Bec and I would have been the first out the emergency exit.


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