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Thavisouk Guesthouse Review

This one's a bit late but here's a review of a guesthouse in Vang Vieng, in response to the sale of this tee. The sale got me one night at:

Thavisouk Guesthouse
Vang Vieng, Laos
50,000 kip (US$6.25) per night


Attractive welcome banner.
Space filling side walk.
Cleanest bathroom we'd had in a while. This one also had the best water temperature and pressure ever.
A mountainous view. You're going to have to trust me when I say there are mountains outside this window. I was too lazy to expose correctly.
A cosy bed complete with doona! This was the first doona we'd had since home. Good thing too as it wasn't exactly boiling in Vang Vieng.
And a reception baby who was just the cutest.


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