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Woah Bangkok!

So he i am! After a 9ish hour flight I have arrived safely and have made my way to the most dingiest fleapit of a guesthouse. I am a little lost as to what to do with myself. I have so much to do yet i don't know where to start.
There are a few things that stand out for me, the first is the traffic. It is much more sedate than Saigon, people drive on the left side of the road AND some motorcyclists actually wear helmets!!! wow
Well i think i might go for a walk around for a bit and write a little more later on. gotta get me a simcard!


Claire Bangkok


Pauk said…
Claire, you can now add labels to indicate where you are... have a look at all the old posts, they have labels like 'Vietnam' and 'Hanoi' etc... so add the country and the city you're in, as well as anything else you think is appropriate... then you can group post and read all posts from a certain city or country or whatever... Have fun in the world.

I'm going to work with Bec to update the artwork to reflect the new world-wide-ness of this blog.
chalk said…
Yay! You landed safely. That was my main concern, now I can stop worrying about you. Dingy means cheap, right? Give us prices. Tell us about the food! How much is a coke? What is the state of the internet cafes? How is the weather? How long are you staying? What is your next port of call? And you don't know what to do with yourself? Why, film everything of course! And then photograph it. And then post it. We want some audio-visual aid here. That should be enough to keep you busy for a few days. Over and out.
Ville said…
oooh indeed,

i just read this, i will give you the low down tomorrow.

and now i have power some super awesome video footage!


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